Turkey : Banks’ promotional offers angered retirees! Retired wants 1000 lira

All retirees affiliated with Emekli-Sen came together at Bursa Osmangazi metro station and requested a promotion of 1000 lira from the government. The pensioners who participated in the protest action with their whistles and pots and pans stated that the promotion of the 300, 375 and 450 lira paid by the banks every 3 years was very low and their rights were defeated. Turkey is a retired general in the promotion campaigns organized by signature representing all relevant retirement-Sen Bursa Branch President Gunay Confirmation financing, “We want to have a say in the promotion.


We organized signature campaigns all over the country with 102 branches and our representative offices. The ministry officials should meet with the pensioners while determining the amount of the promotion. ” Your confirmation is as follows
spoke: “We want a net 1000 TL promotion for three years without separating the retirees, bank by bank. We do not want to beg beggars by visiting banks. It is an attack on the life of the retirees, with 5 percent deduction from the retirees and withdrawal of bonuses. These policies are to send the retired to the bottom of misery. ”


CHP Deputy Ömer Fethi Gürer said that bank promotions should be updated according to today’s conditions and said, “Let officials hear the cry of retirees.” Gürer said, “Promotions ranging from 300 TL to 450 TL for retirees should be paid as a salary for each year. Retirees should be given the promotion they deserve and should be adapted to the present day. ”

Pervin SÜMER / Harun SİMAVİ