Turkey : New development in the first hearing that Halkbank will attend in the USA!

According to the report in the Voice of America, one of Halkbank’s lawyers, Andrew C. Hruska, was given the decision of the board of directors according to Turkish law in spite of his application to the Federal Court of Southern District of New York for his clients to attend the hearing earlier. Noting that it should be, the board of directors said that they should be able to attend the hearing with full authority.

In a petition submitted to the court, lawyer Hruska demanded that the hearing, which was announced yesterday, will be postponed to 31 March, stating that Halkbank Board of Directors will meet on 27 March and that they can get full authorization from the board of directors to attend the hearings in the USA according to Turkish law.

Judge Richard Berman, who evaluated the petition of Halkbank lawyer Hruska, accepted the request and decided to hold the hearing at 09:30 am on March 31st.

At the hearing on 31 March, lawyers Andrew Hruska, William Johnson and Jacob Gerber, affiliated with the King & Spalding law firm, will defend Halkbank.

Critical development in the USA! Halkbank agreedCritical development in the USA! Halkbank agreed

The decision to suspend from the appellate court in the Halkbank caseThe decision to suspend from the appellate court in the Halkbank case