Turkey : Friday March 13 messages: Picture and meaningful messages special to Friday!

Messages continue to be sent to wish Friday a good occasion. Thousands of people are wishing each other good friday at the mosques every week, sending messages to their loved ones who are far away. Due to the epidemic in recent days, the Presidency of Religious Affairs did not remain silent on this situation and touched on the corona virus in this week’s Friday sermon. Here are the most beautiful and illustrated Friday messages on March 13…


May Allah’s (mercy) mercy, forgiveness and abundance be upon him. May my Lord keep our day good and fertile, I wish good Friday.

Let my Lord live healthy, happy, peaceful and peaceful life in the hereafter and be in the gardens of paradise. Amen and good Friday.

Angels always have your prayer… Your heart is spacious and your inspiration is abundant… Our beloved Prophet, your Intercessor… May your God be blessed…

May the feast be as usual today and the sadness will turn into joy. May my Lord hurt our wounds, you will go to the morbets in our Heart under the name of Shafi. Have a Holly Friday!

My God! Let us hear our voices and know our states. We opened our hearts to you, You help me, You forgive, You do our ways. I wish you a good Friday.

O my Lord, you are the shelter of the heartbroken, the companion of those who are on the road, you are friends with my loneliness and you are the trouble partner of all hearts. Don’t throw me away from me, don’t throw me away from you. Have a Holly Friday.

May our hearts be faith, our hearts are Islam, our language is Kur’ana, our ears are ezana, our eyes are nura, and our house is peaceful and cheerful. I wish you a good Friday.

May your Friday be blessed, let my Lord accept all kinds of worship.

Accept, accept our prayers and repentance, keep our health permanent, profitable our earnings, peacefully fill our hearts and houses. I wish you a good Friday.

The honor of life, the abundance of sustenance, the well-being of the body, the virtue of morality, the act of the child, by the way, my Lord. I wish you a good Friday.

O Allah, protect us from rebellious poverty, mischievous wealth. Whatever is the best of us about us! I wish you a good Friday.

O God, have mercy on the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, his family and friends, and pray to our prayers for the honor of them. Amen, may our Cuma be blessed.

Let it be rainy, show mercy to your home, and let the Messenger of Allah enter your dream every day, and say angels amen to your prayers! Hope to meet in prayers, Good Friday.

O my Lord, spread the scent of Heaven to us and give your blessings. Don’t let us know the smell of fire. Amen, I wish you a good Friday.

Accept my prayers, the prayers of those who pray to me, the prayers of those who expect me to pray, and the prayers of the Ummah Muhammad. Good Friday with Hi and Pray.


The Friday prayer is ten rakats, four rak’ah sunnah, two rakah fard, and four rak’ah sunnah. It is performed with the congregation at noon prayer time in the mosque on Friday. First, the first sunnah is performed like the first sunnah of the noon prayer. After the circumcision, imam-hatip goes up to the pulpit and sits. Muezzin reads the inner adhan. After the adhan, imam-hatip gets up and reads the sermon consisting of two parts. In the sermon, the community gives informative and guiding speech on religious issues. After reading the sermon, the imam-hatip goes down from the pulpit and puts the congregation in front of the congregation and makes the congregation two prayers Friday. Just like the morning prayer performed with the congregation, the two rak’ahs of Juma are made fard.

During the Friday prayer, the imam-hatip reads Fatiha and zamm-ı sura. After the fard prayer is performed, the last sunnah of the Friday is performed. This circumcision is made like the first circumcision of the noon. Thus, the Friday prayer is completed.


Honorable Muslims!

The disease, from mild to severe, is one of the test of the world. Many diseases have been treated with the help of Allah and the diligent research of people throughout the history. Coronavirus, which is spread all over the world today, will also be healed. As a matter of fact, as the Messenger of God said, “Allah has definitely healed every illness that he has sent down.”

Saint Believers!

To be protected from this epidemic, let’s pay attention to body, clothing, food and environmental cleaning first. Let’s ventilate the environment we are in frequently. Let’s close our mouth with disposable wipes or the inside of our elbow when we cough or sneeze. Let’s try to stay away from crowded environments.

In particular, let’s keep the areas where hand contact is intense, such as sinks, ablutions, door handles and table tops clean. Let’s wash our hands with more soap and rub than ever before. Let’s not touch our mouth, nose and eyes with our dirty hands. Instead of using common rosaries in our mosques, let us compete with our fingers or our personal rosaries. If we have returned from abroad, let’s take care not to leave our home for fourteen days. Let’s make sure that those who return from Umrah pay attention to this issue and do not accept visitors.

Precious Muslims!

We are a friendly and friendly nation. We enjoy, shake and embrace with our friends and friends. Of course, these behaviors are very beautiful and valuable. However, it is the requirement of responsibility and precaution to interrupt such practices in this period when infectious diseases are common. Let’s interrupt the practice of musahaha after prayer, which is especially common in our mosques. Let us ask each other for a heart salute from a certain distance without shaking hands. Those over a certain age are more affected by coronavirus and are in the risk group. Therefore, these days, our elderly should rest at home and stay away from crowded environments.

Dear Believers!

Health is entrusted to us by our Lord. It is up to the believer to take care of this trust and make an effort to protect it. In this way, we get peace with the help of God. We cure our troubles and heal our illnesses. As a matter of fact, in the Quran, Hz. Abraham (pbuh) describes our Lord as follows: “He who created me and showed me the right way. He is the one who feeds me and makes me drink. It is He who heals me when I get sick. It is He who will kill me and then resurrect me. ”

So let’s be cautious to protect our own health and those around us in the face of the epidemic we are experiencing. Otherwise, let’s not forget that we will endanger the health of others as well as our own health, and this will be the right of the servant.

Of course, our Lord has an appreciation. It is up to the believer to take measures. Believer is mild and balanced in every way. It is our duty to fight this epidemic without underestimating the issue, exaggerating and panicking, with calmness, using our intelligence and knowledge.

Warning from Diyanet to Corona!Warning from Diyanet to Corona!