Turkey : Flood in Siverek! Houses were under water, animals were destroyed

While the hail and heavy rainfall that started in the district in the evening and caused floods in a short time affected life negatively, 30 bovine animals belonging to Mustafa Özoruç were destroyed due to flooding a barn in Fırat District of the district.

Mustafa Özoruç, stating that his barn was flooded, said that he tried to save his animals with his own possibilities. I saved 20 of my own means, but when the water rose, I had to leave the barn. So far, 25 of my animals have been destroyed, still there, I don’t know how much total waste, because the barn is full of water. ”


Siverek Deputy Mayor Cumali Karavar participated in the rescue efforts and received information from the authorities. Karavar shared the following information in his statement:

* After the rain and hail, which started in the evening in our district, our damage determinations in our neighborhoods continue. Currently, our ŞUSKİ, Fire Brigade and Municipality teams will continue their work in a coordinated manner until the morning.

* Unfortunately, 30 animals were destroyed as a result of the rise of approximately 2 meters of water in a barn where 50 cattle were housed in a barn.

* We have reported the loss of our citizens to the District Directorate of Agriculture, tomorrow (today) will be determined.

* We expect a stronger rain tomorrow (today), so we ask our citizens to take precautions to avoid such adverse events. (IHA)