Turkey : Masks and gloves thrown on the street threaten health

Medical Microbiology Specialist from Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital. Dr. Pınar Çıragil said that if there is enough virus load on the mask and gloves, it can make the person holding the disease sick.

The professor said, “Let’s throw it in absolutely closed trash cans. This image will be very serious for protecting public health, ”he said.



Professor Dr. Pınar Çıragil continued as follows:

“First of all let me say this; we do not actually recommend using gloves. Because the glove gives a sense of confidence to the users. When you touch somewhere with gloves and touch your hands, face, and eyes, if you have enough virus particles in the place where you touch with gloves, you get them directly. Those gloves are also thrown out. Therefore, do not use gloves if possible. Surgical masks can only be used by patients with chronic illness when entering closed spaces. ” (DHA)