Turkey : Istanbul turned green, those two regions are red

Within the scope of the measures taken against the Corona virus, a restriction was imposed on intercity bus travels with the Ministry of Internal Affairs circular. According to the circular, buses with a simple license are allowed to travel with a certain number of passengers.

Within the scope of the restriction, police teams that set up checkpoints at the entrances and exits of many cities, especially in Istanbul, inspect all the vehicles coming and leaving the city.


While commercial vehicles carrying passengers that do not have documents or do not comply with the measures taken are not allowed to enter or leave the city, citizens in private vehicles are allowed to pass after their fever is measured and necessary information is given.

With the measures taken, traffic density in Istanbul fell to 10 percent, while intense traffic occurred in the city’s entrance and exit areas.

The tail formed due to inspections on Silivri D-100 Highway was viewed from the air. Photo: UAV


While all Istanbul appears green on the traffic density map, traffic turns red at the European side of the control point, TEM Highway Kınalı-Çerkezköy and E-5 Kınalı-Silivri location and TEM Kurtköy and E5 Bayramoğlu intersections on the Anatolian side. The individually controlled vehicles created long queues.