Turkey : NATO Foreign Ministers convened with corona virus agenda

At the end of the meeting, a joint final statement was issued on behalf of NATO Foreign Ministers. The common statement included the following statements;

* As NATO Foreign Ministers, we are meeting today in the midst of an unprecedented epidemic that affects all our allies and partners, imposing a sudden and serious shock on our economies as well as a huge cost in lost lives.

* We express our deepest sympathy to all victims of corona virus disease and those affected by their consequences. We respect health professionals and others who are at the forefront in our fight against this disease.

* These include men and women in uniforms that continue to work every day for our collective security. And we thank our citizens who work together and understand that we will overcome this struggle more quickly and save lives.


“The allies, medical professionals, hospital beds, vital medical equipment, and best practices and ideas on how to combat this deadly disease are supported,” the statement said, citing NATO’s efforts to combat the epidemic.

The statement included the following statements;

* We deliver critical medical supplies from around the world, we use our medical, scientific and technological knowledge and resources to help deliver innovative responses by providing medical equipment, essential equipment, vital equipment from military and civilian resources.

* Allies also work together to provide public access to transparent, timely and accurate information that is critical to tackle this outbreak and combat disinformation.

* Since we need a coordinated and comprehensive approach, NATO works closely with other international organizations, including the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union (EU).


“Even if we make the absolute maximum effort to overcome this challenge and then overcome this challenge, NATO is actively focused on collective defense, crisis management and collaborative security, and is ready to fulfill its core duties,” the Foreign Ministers said in its statement. We also made other decisions today to improve NATO’s role in facing current and future security challenges. ”

At the end of his declaration, he said, “We accept North Macedonia as the 30th ally of NATO. While facing this unprecedented challenge, our 30 nations stand together in solidarity and transatlantic union. ” IHA

Corona virus appeared in NATO troops!Corona virus appeared in NATO troops!