Berat Kandili, which is very important for Muslims, is celebrated tonight. In this precious night, thousands of people will fast by praying and customize the night even more. Muslims who are waiting for the hour of the prayer can follow the provincial prayer times from our news. Here are information about the 7th of April prayer time and the performance of the prayer…
ANKARA: 20:47
IZMIR: 21:06
The performance of the salat prayer; 10 rakats in total, 4 rakat sunnah, 4 rakat fard and 2 rakat final sunnah, respectively. Selati vitrir prayer is performed in 3 rak’ahs after the yacht prayer.
Since the Vitir prayer is considered as a different prayer than the Yatsı prayer, the answer to the question “How many rakat is the prayer of Yatsı” can be briefly answered.
Four-rakah Sunnah of the Yassa Prayer
1. Competition
We intend to make the four rak’ah sunnahs of the Yassa prayer for the sake of Allah. “
By saying “Allahu Akbar” we take the Takbir Takbir and start praying
We read Subhaneke
We draw euzu to basma
We read Surah Fatiha
We read for a while from the Quran
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
2. Competition
We stand up and stop at Kıyama
We draw basmala
We read Surah Fatiha
We read for a while from the Quran
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
We sit down and read the prayers of Ettahiyyatu and Alâhumme salli, Alâhumme Bârik
3. Competition
We read Subhaneke
We draw euzu to basma
We read Surah Fatiha
We read for a while from the Quran
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
4. Competition
We stand up and stop at Kıyama
We draw basmala
We read Surah Fatiha
We read for a while from the Quran
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
We sit down and read the prayers of Ettahiyyatu and Alâhumme salli, Alâhumme Bârik and Rabbenâ
We complete the prayer by saying hello to the left and right as “Es Salaam alaikum and mercy’ullah”.
When will the first fasting be held? Which day will start 2019 Ramadan?
When will the first fasting be held? Which day will start 2019 Ramadan?
Four rakat fard of the yachts prayer
1. Competition
We have the intention of saying, “I intend to make the oblivion for the four prayers of the Yassa prayer for the sake of Allah.”
By saying “Allahu Akbar” we take the Takbir Takbir and start praying
We read Subhaneke
We draw euzu to basma
We read Surah Fatiha
We read for a while from the Quran
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
2. Competition
We stand up and stop at Kıyama
We draw basmala
We read Surah Fatiha
We read for a while from the Quran
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
We sit down and read Ettahiyyatu
3. Competition
We stand up and stop at Kıyama
We draw basmala
We read Surah Fatiha
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
4. Competition
We stand up and stop at Kıyama
We draw basmala
We read Surah Fatiha
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
We sit down and read the prayers of Ettahiyyatu and Alâhumme salli, Alâhumme Bârik and Rabbenâ
We greet right and left by saying “Es selam aleyküm ve rahmet’ullah” and complete the prayer.
The Two Sunnah Last Sunnah of the Yassa Prayer
1. Competition
We have the intention to say, “For the sake of Allah, we will perform the last sunnah of the two rak’ahs of the Yassa prayer.”
By saying “Allahu Akbar” we take the Takbir Takbir and start praying
We read Subhaneke
We draw euzu to basma
We read Surah Fatiha
We read for a while from the Quran
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
2. Competition
We stand up and stop at Kıyama
We draw basmala
We read Surah Fatiha
We read for a while from the Quran
We go to Rüku
We go to Prostrate. We are right, we go to Sade again
We sit down and read the prayers of Ettahiyyatu and Alâhumme salli, Alâhumme Bârik and Rabbenâ
We complete the prayer by saying hello to the left and right as “Es Salaam alaikum and mercy’ullah”.
What is Vitir prayer, how is it performed?
Vitir prayer is a reciprocal prayer with three recitals according to Hanafis, performed after the night prayer. Fâtiha followed by a verse or several verses are read in every prayer of the witr prayer. At the end of the second ad, only the tahiyyaat prayer is read by sitting. After the recitation is completed in the third advent (after the passage of Fatah and then a verse or a few verses), the hands are lifted up to the ears and a prayer is taken and the prayers are read. This prayer, which is Vacib, can be performed at any time until the time of the morning prayer comes after the night prayer is performed.
Because Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Perform the prayer of prayer between the night prayer and the bleaching of the place of the place” (Abu Dâvûd, Vitir, 1; Tirmizî, Salât, 220; İbnü’l-Hümam, Feth, I, 426). It is more virtuous for anyone who can wake up to perform the prayer of prayer at the end of the night, that is, before the time of prayer (Muslim, Salâtu’l-musafirîn 162; Tirmizî, Salât, 222). However, it is appropriate for anyone who is worried that he cannot wake up before performing the witr prayer. It is obligatory to accuse the witr prayer, which cannot be performed in time, afterwards (İbnü’l-Hümâm, Feth, I, 426). According to other sects, it is sunnah to perform vitreous prayers (İbn Kudâme, al-Muğnî, II, 591-594).