According to reports in the British press, immoral offers have started to come from the landlords to those who could not pay their rent due to the corona virus epidemic in the country.
It has been suggested that the landlords ask naked photographs by making immoral offers from their tenants who cannot pay their rent because they cannot leave the house.
According to a recent survey in Scotland, more than 200,000 women have been subjected to similar harassment by their hosts.
A similar situation started to happen in the USA after the outbreak spread.
US Immigration Bureau lawyer Kevin Block has announced that many homeowners demand sex for rent from immigrants trying to hold onto life in the USA.
Speaking to CNN, Block said, “I am worried because there are more that are not reported in such events more than reported.”
Khara Jabola-Carolus, the President of the US State of Hawaii Women’s Rights Commission, stressed that this attitude of the hosts made women’s lives more difficult.
It is known that women living in Scotland and the UK hundreds of thousands of lonely women complain about their harassment by disclosing similar harassment on social media.