Turkey : Reaction to new law proposal from CHP: They will bring North Korean model to the Internet

CHP Chief Advisor and Istanbul Deputy Erdogan Toprak reacted to the internet-related articles in the new draft law proposed to the parliament.

Speaking to SÖZCÜ, Erdoğan Toprak, “They will bring a North Korean model to the country. Internet, social media, over-the-network communication, censorship, restriction and plugging are coming. Turkey, under the pretext of the fight against the epidemic, asked to be taken to the rest of the information age “ said.

Toprak argued that the draft law prepared for the prohibition of layoffs for 3 months was actually legalizing the layoffs with the ‘free leave’ method, and restrictions were requested with the items hidden between them. Erdogan Toprak said:

* These changes cannot even be the subject of any democratic country. The actions to be taken are the same as those in Iran, North Korea and China, where social media and the internet are under the control of a single party state.


The North Korean government uses its own closed internet (intranet). However, this intranet is open to some universities, research companies, factories and a number of privileged people. From this intranet, only the information that is approved by the government can be accessed by the Korean Computer Center.


* Social networking and communication networks offering services over and over and more than 1 million users of institutions that, keeping the identity of users in Turkey, brought the obligation to report to the ICTA. This is an obvious filing.

* The bandwidth of social media networks, which cannot appoint a representative, will also be reduced by up to 95 percent. This means completing facebook, twitter, whatsapp and similar messaging platforms. These organizations do police raid on the offices in Turkey and is also known fined 1 million pounds making powers.

Fine tuning to social media!Fine tuning to social media!


* With the offer of amnesty and enforcement laws addressed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, will you empty the prisons and fill the vacant places with internet media, social media and whatsapp users?

* The main intention is to reset freedoms in many areas that are not related to pandemic measures, to watch everyone’s breathing and to ban the internet and social media.

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