Turkey : The enforcement package passed through the Parliament: 90 thousand people were evacuated.

The General Assembly of the Parliament convened in the Presidency of the Assembly, Süreyya Sadi Bilgiç. At the General Assembly, the law proposal, which is the joint signature of the AKP and MHP regarding the Penal Execution arrangement, was discussed and accepted.

Terrorism offenses, establishment, management or membership of an organization, crimes committed within the scope of organizational activity, deliberate killing crimes, crimes against sexual immunity, and drug or stimulant production and trade crimes are excluded from the execution regulation.


MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli came to the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and participated in execution law proposal negotiations.


Those who set up or manage an organization to commit acts that the law deemed a crime were increased from 2 years to 6 years, from 4 years to 8 years, if the organization’s structure was suitable for committing crimes in terms of the number of members it possessed, and tools and equipment.

Those who set up or manage an organization to commit acts that the law deemed a crime were increased from 2 years to 6 years, from 4 years to 8 years, if the organization’s structure was suitable for committing crimes in terms of the number of members it possessed, and tools and equipment.

The person who lends money to someone else in order to earn a profit will be sentenced to 2 years to 6 years in prison and 500 days judicial fines.

With the amendment made to the Law on the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures, the execution of the prison sentence will be left behind on women who are pregnant or who have not passed 1 year and 6 months from the date of their birth.


For children convicted of crimes under the Anti-Terrorism Law, the conditional release rate will be applied as two-thirds. In terms of crimes with a conditional release rate of more than two thirds, the conditional release rate they apply will be applied.


Convicts conform to the rules set for the purpose of order and security, whether they use their rights in good faith, fulfill their obligations completely, whether they are ready to integrate with the society according to the improvement programs implemented, whether they are ready to integrate with the society or to others, It will be evaluated at least every 6 months on the basis of determining whether the risk of damage is low or not, by the administration and the observation board.

Bid; According to the amendment aimed at preventing children who are dragged into crime to prevent re-offending, a specialist who will guide the child during the forensic control will be assigned for the child who is followed by the Probation Office and improvement studies will be carried out according to the needs assessment to be made about the child.

The law also includes those on open prisons as part of a virus measure until 31 May 2020. The period can be extended three times by the Minister of Justice, not exceeding 2 months each.