Turkey : The Turkish gang spoken by Germany: They said they will die and rob the elderly

The gang consisting of Haydar A., ​​Erdal C., Metin D. and Yusuf K. had a hearing at the Munich State Supreme Court last week. The defendants were sentenced to heavy jail terms for raising money by threats and blackmail by establishing a gang.

Haydar A., ​​who ruled the gang from the prison, sent a voice message from the phone, where he defrauded the elderly by giving a false police ornament, and put his team in prison, saying, “This is a million project. A super gift. These old people will already die. It is stated that we can get their money from the state without seizing them ”.


It was determined that Haydar A., ​​who had previously been sentenced for similar crimes, stole 140 thousand euros from 5 people. In June of last year, the gang was seeking to defraud Anneliese S.

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