The corona virus, which appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019, spread in a short time and turned into a worldwide crisis. More than 175 thousand people died due to the virus infecting 2.5 million people. In order to prevent this destruction caused by the epidemic, countries are taking measures on preventive measures.
The introduction of the method of working from home in many sectors along with the curfews and travel bans made the cities of the world struggling with air pollution almost breathe.

In Milan, the top photo was taken on January 8, and the bottom square was taken on April 17.
Reuters, which published the photos before and after the epidemic, showed the difference.
In Italy, which is the country where the virus is most affected in Europe, the dirty air covering over the city in Milan is dispersed, and even the color of the ‘Grand Canal’ is seen in Venice, a popular destination for tourists.

The top photo in Venice was taken on January 6, 2018, and the bottom photo on April 17.
In India, which is the second most populous country in the world, photos were shared in New Delhi, one of the most polluted cities in two years. The sky, which was gray from pollution before the epidemic, took on a clear and blue image as people started to stay at home.

The first one of the images in Islamabad was taken on 3 August 2017, and the second photo was taken on 20 April this year.
Similar images drew attention in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia and Islamabad, capital of Pakistan.
According to the research conducted at Cambridge University in England, it is stated that corona virus, which targets the respiratory system, has a higher mortality rate in regions with higher air pollution. World Health Organization,
He warned that air pollution should also be taken into account within the scope of the fight against the virus.