Father of 2 children working in Silifke district of Mersin. Erdinç Şahin lost his life. A 51-year-old family doctor working at the Silifke Mukaddem District Family Health Center. Erdinç Şahin got sick a while ago and was treated at Mersin City Hospital. Dr., who continues his treatment in the Intensive Care Service. Erdinç Şahin lost his life today.
CP Mersin Deputy Cengiz Gökçel shared his personal Facebook account, Dr. Expressing that Erdinç Şahin has lost his life from the corona virus, he wished his family and the health community wish his head health.
On the other hand, Mersin Health Directorate officials, Dr. He stated that two corona virus tests for Erdinç Şahin were negative, and in the death report it was referred to as ‘Viral Pneumonia’.
The death of Şahin, who was said to be extremely loved in Silifke, where he served for about 10 years, was strangling his family while creating a great sadness in the health community. It was learned that Şahin would be buried in Silifke.
The Turkish Medical Association (TTB), speaking to the Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca, says, “Minister Bey says,” There is no problem in diagnosis “, but we ask the Minister of Health again? The PCR test is negative and compatible with the clinic Covid-19. Will you not continue to show the deaths that we saw in Erdinç Şahin as part of the Covid-19 epidemic process? ” gave expressions.