Turkey : Scientific Board member gave date for peak and return to normal life

Coronavirus (corona virus) Science Committee member, Kayseri City Hospital Chief Physician and Infectious Diseases Specialist. Dr. İlhami Çelik said in a statement that the number of cases is low and this is promising. Stating that the most important factor in this is the curfew, Çelik continued as follows:

* We follow the figures of other countries every day. America is now the country with the highest number of patients and mortality. Around 31 percent of all cases belong to America. This is a serious figure.

* Ranked 7th in Turkey at the moment. The number of cases in both Turkey million in this country in terms of the number of deaths in the first 7 million, we see that both the best. The expected increase is normal, we were already expecting the numbers to double in seven days.

* If it goes like this, it seems normal that it doubles once a week. But we see that our number of cases is lower this week than we do double. Therefore, we can see that these promising curtailment measures work very well.


Underlining that the most effective way to break the chain of infection is the curtailment, but the psychology of people should also be considered, Çelik said:

* This virus is transmitted from person to person. If there is one person, it passes to another. As we see in malaria, it is not transmitted through mosquitoes. So the simplest thing we have to do is try to prevent two people from coming together to break the chain of infection.

* We need to prevent other people from coming together on the street, indoors or anywhere to prevent contamination. So the best thing to do is stay at people’s homes. The chain of infection does not have another carrier, which we call vector.


* It is transmitted directly from one person to another. The best way to prevent this is to restrict curfew. The best thing is that people don’t go out on the street completely. But this is a difficult situation to be incompatible with people’s lives. Now if we think about ourselves, you live in prison life at home.

* When we condemn all people, there will be no one to bring you water, who will take your bread, who will take your food, and how will you work and get along? All of these should be considered. Let’s close all of these people somewhere, but we should not forget that they are not just a body, they have a soul, a psychology.

* And the most important thing we see right now is that their psychology has begun to deteriorate a lot. The reason for this is that this fear is constantly being pumped. What I call coronaphobia in humans is that this fear syndrome has occurred. Therefore, it is possible to ban, but on the other hand, it is necessary to consider the psychology of people. Because when this epidemic is over, we have to calculate what will remain.


Upon asking when the disease will peak, Professor. Dr. Çelik said, “As I mentioned before, we think like June. There is no scientific proof of this, this is our prediction. I foresee it to end like June. The peak (peak), we have been in Turkey? We haven’t done it yet. I think it is only 1-2 weeks to make a peak. I hope our people follow the precautions. We would have spent this process in a widespread way. Our disease workforce will not increase, ”he said.


Çelik, a member of the Scientific Committee, stated that there is no evidence that the virus is transmitted from clothes and shoes, so there is no need to be nervous and said:

* Look, there are studies related to this. There are things that are expected to live on steel surfaces and wooden surfaces for up to 5 days. The important thing here is, does the virus have an infectious and disease-causing effect? It is not so, the amount of it decreases as this virus infects surfaces. The amount of the disease microbe is reduced. If 100 microbes will cause illness in humans, this will gradually decrease over the 5-day period.

* You can detect it with very molecular methods, however, this disease does not cause. Therefore, we will always do our normal cleaning from food to drinks. But there is no point in making it in an otherwise obsessive shape, it is not contaminated from there. There is no evidence that it was contaminated by clothes, and no evidence that it was contaminated by shoes. It is a separate thing that the virus is found here, and it is transmitted and causes disease. There is no reason for our people to be nervous about this.


Stating that it is unlikely that people who survive the disease by getting the Corona virus treatment are sick again. Dr. Çelik underlined the following:

* I have patients who are not in full recovery, which we see that the viral load increases more in the future. It seems that the healed person has been decided by the physician and has shown the personal negativity twice, and there is no chance of taking it again. But we need further observations about it.

* If he has recovered, that person has now occurred, it is unlikely that he will be sick again. However, we have no exact idea of ​​what their antibody level is. But practically let the patients think that it is very logical and correct to say, “I have survived this disease, I will not be sick again.”

Stating that the masks used are disposed of in medical wastes instead of open areas, Çelik said, “Is there a risk of contamination from the mask in the environment? It is very difficult to say this, but this is not morally and environmentally correct. They should not be thrown out. If we find that these are exposed to intense virus contact, it is useful to dispose of them in medical waste. I think it is necessary to avoid polluting the environment rather than contaminating it. ”


Stating that the necessary precautions should be followed during the Feast of Ramadan as well as now, caution should be taken in the feast programs “Çelik should not do this if we foresee that the outbreak will not end. What we are doing now must do the same. It is not wise to make this kind of holiday notification. It is necessary to act very carefully and cautiously. It is necessary to follow the social distance rule. Is this virus over at the present stage? A difficult date will coincide like May 23. It carries a risk of infectiousness. It is necessary to be cautious. ”


Çelik, who added that there are many cases of healing in Kayseri, and that there is no burden that they will not lift as City Hospital, concluded his speech as follows:

* It would not be right to score. Our healing cases are very, very high. Unfortunately, we also have patients who passed away. Our patients who recover when we compare are very, very much. Our goal is to save all our patients. We don’t have very high numbers, thank God. We are doing our best.

* There is no load we will not lift. We hope it continues like this. If our people continue social isolation, if they continue to stay at home, we will survive much more easily and easily.

* This situation depends entirely on our citizens. We can carry out a very comfortable process if they comply with the measures. However, if it is not followed, it may be possible to experience more troubled processes. (IHA)