Turkey : It affects both employees and employers … Important negligence in insurance!

Apart from exceptional cases, the insurance status, which is mandatory for employees, can be eliminated in some cases with the acceptance of the employee. Working without insurance has great risks for employers and employees. Here are those who are curious about the uninsured work from the question and answer corner of Korkusuz Newspaper.

Although the employee accepts, the risk is great for the employer!


QuestionI was born on February 10, 1977. The insurance venture is April 10, 1996 and I have 6,500 days of premium payment. I left my workplace. My premium lay from height. Now they show at minimum wage where I work. I am not an insurance fan. I know that showing the minimum wage reduces the wage in retirement. How would I continue to work without having insurance?

ReplyWe understand that you have paid premiums on your ceiling or a near-ceiling earnings amount from your ‘My premium lay high’ statement. After paying premiums for years on high earnings, paying premiums over minimum wages lowers the pension as it will lower the average monthly earnings amount that is the basis for the calculation of the pension. It is mandatory to take out insurance when there is actual work. Uninsured work puts the employer at risk. In any determination, the employer becomes suspended. It is better to work 3, 5 days a month or not working at all over high earnings rather than working 30 days a month over minimum wage. Since you have paid premiums for more than 5825 days, you can retire on the date you will be 52 years old even if you do not pay any premium from now on.