The place and importance of prayer is very important for the Islamic world. Nowadays, along with the month of Ramadan, prayer worship is increasing in importance. Muslims evaluate their days by fasting and praying. So how is the morning prayer performed? How many rakat is the morning prayer? Here are all the details about 2020 morning prayer times and how they are performed.
Morning Prayer is performed as “2 rakat sunnah” and then “2 rakat Fard”.
The Performing of 2 rak’ah Sunnahs of the Morning Prayer
Sunnah of the Morning Prayer 1. Rekat
It is intended: “I intend to perform two rak’ah sunnahs of the morning prayer for the sake of Allah”
Takbir is brought: Hands are raised in such a way that the fingers of the thumbs touch the softness of the thumbs with the palm of the two hands open and are called “Allahu Akbar”.
-Subhaneke is read.
Euzü Besmele retires: “Euzubillahimineşşeytanirracim – Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”
-Fatiha is read.
-Zamm-ı sure (at least three verses from the Quran) is read.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and bows to the bow: “Subhan Rabbıb Azim” is called three times.
It rises from Rüku: It is called “Semi Allahulimen Hamide – Rabbena lekel Hamd”.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: Three times in prostration is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”. It is called “Allahu Akbar” and sit with Truth, then again. It is called “Allahu Akbar” and prostrate: Three times in prostration, it is called “Sübhane Rabbiyel Ala”.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and stands up for the second rak’ah.
Sunnah of Morning Prayer 2nd Competition
Besmele retires: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”
– Read the Fatiha: Zamm-ı Sura (at least three verses from the Quran) is read.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and bows to the sake: “Subhan Rabbalı Azim” is called three times.
It rises from Rükü: It is called “Semi Allahulimenhamide – Rabbena lekel Hamd”.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and goes to Prostration: Three times in prostration is called “Subhane Rabbiyel Ala”. It is called “Allahu Akbar” and sited right after it is called, “Allahu Akbar” and go to prostration: Three times in prostration, “Subhane Rabbalı Ala” is called.
It is called “Allahu Akbar” and sit down.
– Ettehiyyatü is read.
– Salli and Barik prayers are read.
– Rabbena athens and Rabbenagfirli prayers are recited.
Hello. Salute is given by saluting to the right and then to the left. Greetings are given as follows. It is called “Assalamu Aleyküm And Rahmetullah”.
* The differences in performing the sunnah and the sunnah of the morning prayer are as follows; Kamet should be brought before the fard of the morning prayer. The intention before the fard of the morning prayer is in the form of fard. Apart from that, the sunnah of the morning prayer and the obedience of the fard are the same.
How to Perform Morning Prayer in Shafi Sect?
The morning prayer in the Shafi Sect is exactly as described above. The only difference is that instead of the sübhaneke prayer, the ecclesiastic prayer and the Ettehiyyatü prayer read in the Shafi sect. Nevertheless, the prayer of kunut is read after the prayer of the Morning prayer in the Shafi sect after being corrected from the bow. After the Kunut prayer is read, the prayer is continued as described above and thus the morning prayer is completed. It is necessary to read the Kunut prayer and to make a prostration if it is not read since there is a strong Sunnah in the Shafi sect.
The time of the morning prayer starts from the dawn of the second fajr, which means the tanning of the tan, and continues until the sunrise. Accordingly, it is the time to undertake, in other words, the time to start the fasting prohibitions, the formation of fajr-i saedik, that is, the bleaching of the place of diagnosis. In the Quran, “Now (during Ramadan nights) approach your spouses and ask what Allah appreciates for you. Eat until the white thread (brightness) of the dawn is distinguished from its black thread (darkness), drink, then complete the fast until the evening. ” (Baccarat, 2/187) is commanded. It is possible to perform the morning prayer at this time, according to the time of the morning prayer. However, Hanafis based on some narrations related to the subject, found it more appropriate (mustahab) to be delayed a little (at the time of Isfar). As a matter of fact, our Prophet recommended it (Tirmizî, Salât, 5).
The time of the morning prayer continues until the sunrise. Because the Prophet of Gabriel. According to the hadith that he was imamamed to the Prophet (pbuh), when Gabriel prayed the dawn on the first day, when the sun shined on the second day, and the sun shined on the second day, it was the time of the morning prayer for you and your ummah. He said.
Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions covered their heads in accordance with customary and climatic conditions in their daily lives after Islam as well as before Islam. The Messenger of God (pbuh) performed his prayers with his daily dress, and did not wear additional or some special clothes for worship. As he wrapped a turban on the skullcap, he also used a turban without a turban and a turban without a turret.
Some scholars Hz. Considering these practices of the Prophet (pbuh), they accepted sunnah to cover the head of men during prayer. According to this approach, performing prayer without head means abandoning the sunnah and it is regarded as makruh.
Some other scholars have stated that it is okay to perform open prayer as they accept it as a requirement. As a result, when performing prayers, your head is wearing a skullcap, turban, etc. it is evident to be covered with something. However, it is permissible to pray with the head open.