Turkey : When will schools be opened? Have the opening dates of the schools been determined? Here are the statements from Minister Selçuk … – Sözcü Newspaper

School holiday is one of the most curious topics recently. Both parents and students are wondering, “When will schools be opened?” Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk shared new statements on this issue on the agenda. So when will schools be opened? Is the holiday extended? Here are the latest developments and explanations about school holidays…


Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk reminded that when the schools will be opened after the recommendations of the Scientific Committee, he said that the schools will not be open until 31 May. Minister Selçuk; Da We also see the benefits of switching to distance education since the outbreak started. Distance education is currently the only option we have. It has been decided that distance education will continue until 31 May. ” said.


In Turkey, more than the population of many European countries, many students pointed out that the Minister Selcuk, many households in all decisions taken, directly or indirectly, interests, he said.

Emphasizing that since the outbreak started, the benefits of having decided to switch to distance education in a shorter period than most of the world countries, Selçuk said:

* In line with the suggestions of the Cabinet, under the leadership of our President, it was decided that Distance Education will continue until 31 May.

* The houses where our children will be safest at the moment are the only thing that we will not let go of all is precaution and patience, understanding and attention to each other.


Expressing her concerns that motivation will decrease and boredom may occur as the distance education process prolongs, Selçuk continued her words as follows:

* We have to manage this process all together so that we can take normalization steps as soon as possible, open our schools with health, run in school gardens and laugh in classrooms as before.

* Distance education is the only option we have right now. We have kept it tight and we are working on distance education with our hundreds of thousands of teachers, saying, “Let our children lose learning in this process, stay away from school, education, and lay the ground for compensation education”.

* My request from all our children and parents is that they hold on to distance education. When we come back, their care here will make us very comfortable. We say we will succeed together, you know, this is one of those partnerships.

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