Turkey : A pity to Bodrum! – Sözcü Newspaper

Basementalone Turkey has a worldwide reputation.

This district, which is the pearl of our country, Turkeymuch bigger, much more crowded than many provinces of Turkey.

coronavirus Although it is secluded this year due to the epidemic, the number of people coming to the region has exceeded 150 thousand.

In the years when there was no epidemic Basementpopulation in summer 1.5 million He finds.

When the travel ban is lifted in many provinces BasementThere was a raid on, but there is still no black picture. Mayor and district governor All the officers, especially the ones, are in an intense effort day and night.

So, how is the situation in health?

Bodrum Hospital Chief PhysicianDoctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals make great efforts for people’s health through a devoted struggle. But… Bodrum needs a larger public hospital.

This fact was accepted by the state 8 years ago.

Will meet all needs of the big hospital for making Ortakent‘of Konacık In its location, 3 parcels worth millions of liras, a total of 55 thousand square meters of land were given to the state by charitable citizens.

2012 In 2012, the tender of the new hospital was made.

2017 Rough construction was completed in. But… It is not known what happened after the construction of 59 percent of the hospital, construction suddenly stopped! The contractor is not in the middle!

Hospital supposedly 2019 It was to be put into service in the year, but even the construction of the unfinished construction has not been nailed for 4 years and the building looks like a fantasy on the roadside!


If it was completed in the hospital 150 beds, 31 intensive care beds, 55 polyclinics, 6 operating rooms, 11 dialysis rooms, 7 chemotherapy, 7 delivery rooms, 2 x-rays, 2 tomography room Would be found …

However, now the building is standing under rough construction as a pile of concrete.

It’s a pity to the millions of dollars spent and Basement injustice to the people!

The state, which received money for 50 foreign countries for aircraft aid and mask aid, was left unfinished. Bodrum Hospital ‘Can’t find what money?

AKPli and CHPall of Muğla lawmakers also do nothing, Turkeypearl of BasementThey don’t take care of!

Isn’t it a pity? Basementto and from Bodrum to?


Claimant Hüsmen Ağa

Husmen Aga he was an officer of the tax office. Before a year passed, he bought two flats, a summer house and a state-of-the-art car.

Suspecting the situation, the ministry sent three investigators for the investigation.

inspectorate “Tell me, how do you get them with a civil servant salary? Admit you bribed ” He had.

Husmen Aga “Say the tube, I don’t have any bribes. I bet with everyone, I always win. If you want, let’s bet your salary with you. Do I bite my right eye? “ said.

inspectorate “You can not bite” deyince Husmen Aga she took her right eye off her nickname and bit it “Don’t worry, you have another chance… I will bite my left eye” said.

inspectorate “You’re not wearing both eyes of this guy …” thinking “We V” He had. Husmen Aga He had removed his dentures and bit his left eye.

Hüsmen Ağa, to the sad inspectors: “Another chance for you… If you win, you will save all your losses. I am claiming that there is always a big me in the hip of one of the three. ”

inspectorate “This guy is talking nonsense” They thought, but take off the pants and pants to get back what they lost. “Look, we don’t have any of us in the hips. You’ve lost the claim! ” He had.

Husmen Aga “OK” said “I lost against you, but in reality I earned more. With 60 officers working in this apartment before you came, ‘Investigators from Ankara will even be stunned and take off their frost. ‘ I bet on his one-year salary. ”


Fighting Stupidity even the quietest people finally outraged!