Turkey : A woman with a headscarf dominated for the first time in England!

For the first time in England, a woman with a headscarf dominated. It was stated that Raffia Arshad received the letter last week that he was appointed as the judge of the Midlands region.

Arshad, 40, said he hoped his success would inspire others and become a pioneer, saying, “It took a while to get there, but I’m very pleased. This is not only a personal success, but a great success for everyone with a different background. ”


Arshad, the first person in his family to study at the university, said that with the appointment, most people broke the stereotype of the “image of the judge” in his mind.

Emphasizing that everyone should aim higher, Arshad said, “Don’t worry about what you look like. Don’t worry about fitting into the mold. “Break that pattern and get what you need.”


Arshad, the mother of 3 children, who has been working as a lawyer in the field of family law for more than 17 years, stated that the appointment decision made him happy but he was more happy with the joy of others.

Arshad said, “I have received a lot of mail from both women and men. There were also women who said that they thought it would not be a lawyer to be a judge because they were wearing headscarves. ”

Vickie Hodges and Judy Claxton, Saint Mary’s Law Department Co-chairs, expressed their appreciation for Arshad’s merit-based appointment decision. (IHA)

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