The difference between short-time work allowance and unemployment pay is curiously investigated by many. There are clear differences between short-time work allowance and unemployment benefits. The ones who are curious with the example over the question continue in our news…
Is there a difference in terms of short-time working allowance if the workplace is fully closed and if it is worked in a very short time? Does a person who receives a Short Work Payment receive this money to pay for it if they become unemployed, what is the difference between the unemployment benefit and the unemployment benefit?
REPLY: Short Work Allowance refers to the payment made to the worker for the periods not worked in a way to complete the weekly working time applied in the workplace during the short work period. In this context, Short Term Work Allowance is paid for 30 days per month (excluding first month) if the workplace is stopped completely, and the number of days (number of days) that is partially stopped. A person who receives a Short Work Allowance will receive this money for deducting the payments he / she can get if he is unemployed in a sense. Because payments made as short-time work allowance are deducted from the unemployment benefit period determined in case of unemployment. There are two differences between the Short-Term Work Allowance and the unemployment allowance, one for the reasons for payment and the other for the amount of payments.