Turkey : 11 million TL for the opponents, zero penalty for the supporters

İlhan Taşcı, a member of the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), examined which broadcasters and how much punishment was given at the meetings held between 1 January 2019 and 15 May 2020.

According to the study, 36 penalties were imposed on Halk TV, Tele 1, KRT and Fox TV. 28 of these fines were applied as administrative fines. Channels had to pay 11 million. On Fox TV, Fatih Portakal and the Main News Bulletin were sentenced to stop 3 times.

RTÜK signed the decision to stop 12 programs, 2 of which were in the Political Culture program on Halk TV, 5 in Medya Mahallesi, and 5 in Sözüm Var, and also sent 2 suspension penalties to the News Center published in KRT.

The penalty for suspending 10 programs, including 2 for Main News and 8 for the Day Begins, published on Tele 1. Broadcasts against penalties for 4 channels were stopped 27 times.


In the last 1.5 years, ATV and Ülke TV have been given the slightest “penalty” once, and TGRT Haber has once been sentenced to administrative fines. TV Net, Kanal 7 and A Haber were not punished. An administrative fine was imposed on Show TV and once on Kanal D.

“This table says it all. But the truth does not change, ”said Taşcı,“ It is obvious which publishers are covered and who is cooked in boza at their neck ”. Taşcı said: RTÜK uses punishment as a stick. He thinks that he can silence the channels that disturb the power with punishment, stop the program and bring them into alignment, and he exaggerates them with all his power.

It is the duty to punish the channels that make the voices of those criticizing the government. RTÜK President Şahin is considering this as his order. “My list is ready in my pocket. Our family takes 50 people, ”said Noyan’s words, and if someone said in an opposition channel, his sentence would be suspended.