Turkey : 89 crew members quarantined in Çanakkale

160 people were taken to quarantine ‘Eleftherios Venizelos’ quarantine due to an outbreak of corona virus in the Port of Piraeus, Greece.
then he was released yesterday. Out of 160 crews leaving Athens in the morning hours, 2 of them were foreigners, 87 of them were Turkish, and 89 people came to Çanakkale after completing their health checks through Ipsala Border Gate with 4 buses.

The 14-day quarantine period has started for 89 people who were placed in the girls’ dormitory affiliated with the Credit and Hostels Institution (KYK) in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) Terzioğlu Campus.

Police teams and AFAD teams took extensive security measures at the entrance and exit of the country.