Turkey : AKP municipalities have paid money to religious foundations!

According to the report of the Court of Accounts, the buildings belonging to the Municipality were allocated to 2 separate foundations, including the foundation “Hacıveysizade”. The foundation built a dormitory here. The municipality also paid 51 thousand and 22 thousand liras of the buildings and their bills.


It was determined that Atakum District Municipality of Samsun allocated irregular immovable properties to some foundations. According to the report of the Court of Accounts, the Municipality allocated a building in Körfez District, which it rented as a “dormitory building”, to a foundation for 3 years free of charge. The allocation period, which ended in 2017, was extended for another 2 years. Another municipal immovable was allocated to another foundation for 10 years. Municipality also used the places allocated as “Parking area” to the foundations for commercial purposes.

According to the Court of Accounts Report in the Municipality of Çubuk District of Ankara, the immovable belonging to the Municipality, with a fair value of 500 thousand liras, was left free of charge to the use of a foundation. All expenses related to the real estate were covered by the municipal safe. Denizli Metropolitan Municipality also provided free building allocation to 4 associations and foundations, including TÜGVA, and covered their expenses.