Turkey : Amnesty law came out? Convicts are on leave until this date in the penal law enacted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly!

There was a last minute development regarding Amnesty Law. The Law on the Execution of Criminal and Security Measures, which was prepared jointly by AKP and MHP and submitted to the Parliament, and the Proposal of Law Amending Some Laws (Amnesty Law) were accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Here are the breaking news from the amnesty law …

The law proposal regarding the execution arrangement jointly prepared by the AKP and MHP groups was adopted at the General Assembly of the Parliament and became law.

Convicts in open penal execution institutions due to the corona virus epidemic, and convicted prisoners with probation, will be considered on leave until 31 May 2020. If the outbreak continues, this period can be extended 3 times for 2 months.

MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli came to the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and participated in execution law proposal negotiations.


In amnesty law, violence, sexual abuse, terrorism, drugs and murder crimes were excluded. Persons convicted of these crimes will not be able to benefit from amnesty law. After the TGNA negotiations, the law will be published in the Official Gazette and amnesty law will be put into effect.


Taking into account the epidemic of the Corona virus (Coronavirus), Özkan stated that the temporary arrangement of the convicts for the convicted prisoners in the open prison has opened the way for the punishment to be withdrawn in the dwelling. We make it possible for those who are executed in an open prison to have their sentences sent to their homes for 2 months. If this period is necessary, we make it possible to extend the same period at most 2 times. ”

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Who will benefit from amnesty law?

AK Party Group Vice President Cahit Özkan, on the question about how many people will benefit from the proposal, “Currently, approximately 45 thousand people benefit from this within the scope of temporary and permanent execution arrangements. This number reaches approximately 90 thousand people who are going to be sentenced from open prison to dwelling because of epidemic disease ”.