Turkey : Big horror in Avcılar! He attacked his wife, baby and stepdaughter with a knife

The incident occurred on the night of January 21 in Gümüşpala District. Emine Çakmaktaş (44) lived in the same house with her second wife, Mehmet Çakmaktaş (40), their first wife, Özge Gökbayrak (24) and her 40-day-old baby, Esila.

Emine Çakmaktaş, who got married about a year ago, filed for divorce due to the violence she occasionally experienced. According to the information obtained, Mehmet Çakmaktaş, who came home in the evening, started to move to his wife and stepdaughter by saying “Why did my father’s photo fall?”. When the man, who attacked his wife and daughter, also started batting them, the young girl tried to prevent him. Meanwhile, the neighbors of Emine Çakmaktaş, who started to scream and escape to the garden, went down.


While the family members tried to escape by holding the baby in their arms in the garden, the aggressive man caught his wife and injured him with knife strokes repeatedly. When the young girl saw her mother stabbing, she returned with her 40-day-old brother in her arms and tried to save her mother.

While the young girl was stabbed in several places with her stepfather’s knife blows, the 40-day old Esila baby was injured on her leg. Neighbors were brought to the rescue of the mother and daughter, who remained on the ground in blood. Neighbors that prevented the aggressor informed the police and medical teams. These moments were reflected in the security camera of the building.


Emine Çakmaktaş, who explained the horror moments she had experienced and said that she could not go to the divorce hearing because she was threatened, ”On the night of January 21, she made an event knowing that her father’s picture had fallen. He attacked my daughter who was my first wife.

He tried to save his throat clenched. My daughter said go calm down in your room or something. He swore at my daughter. At that time I went out and screamed for help. My daughter took the baby in her arms. He stabbed me from my 6-7 place when going out. My daughter came back when she saw me stabbed.

My daughter stabbed whatever side she turned to protect the baby. My daughter was stabbed from 5-6. We both had surgery. We stayed in intensive care. My baby has a wound in his knee. Thanks to our neighbors, my children are living now. We both stacked in the blood. His aim was to kill the baby. Thanks to our neighbors, we are living now. ”

“I want her to get the biggest punishment,” the tearful woman called out to the authorities. We’re scared. We receive threat messages from numbers we don’t know. They say you’re done. I was officially going to be like Emine Bulut, we are friends, neighbors have already grown.

“Hear our voice. WE DO NOT WANT TO BE A DEAD WOMAN ”

Özge Gökbayrak, a 24-year-old girl, who was injured with 7 knife strokes on her body and was treated in intensive care for a while, told that they lived in tears. Saying that they have lived in fear since then, Gökbayrak said:

“That day was like a nightmare. I live that moment as I tell. Those images never go out of my sight. I get very bad as I think. I think of losing Esila and my mother. I attacked my waist in a way that it attacked my mother, I saved my mother. My mother shouted and asked for help. Neighbors came to the door after him.

When he saw that the door was knocking and coming, he ran to the kitchen. ‘Mother run went to buy a knife,’ I called out. My mom is out. As soon as I took the baby in my arms, I ran after my mother. Somehow my mother was left behind, I went ahead.

I turned around and stabbed my mother under her seat. I saw my mother, I saw those blood. He was trying to stick the knife into his heart. I came back with the child on my lap. I tried to hold your arm or something. The child was on my lap. I was capped on the boy. At the same time, I tried to save my mother. If I couldn’t protect Esila, one of those knife strikes would have died if she came to the offspring.

Please get the heaviest punishment. I had a nightmare and others don’t. I can’t live without my family. I want the heaviest punishment, I can not get out of it. Please help us hear our voices. We do not want to be among the women who died. We don’t want to be one of the murder victims. ”

She said that she learned that she made the living of the house by the phone, but learned that she was dismissed by the phone she received from her office during the reporting period and said, “We all lie in the same room with fear. Our door and window have been chained ever since. I can’t live with this fear anymore. Help. I can’t sleep. Get the heaviest punishment. Help me. ”


On the day of the incident, which was also reflected in the security camera, the police teams affiliated with Avcılar Police Department caught Mehmet Çakmaktaş, who had stabbed his family, and detained him. After the security proceedings, the attacker husband, who was sent to Küçükçekmece Adi, was arrested by the court where he was taken and sent to prison.