“Which unemployed will pay 1.177 TL?” I read your article titled. I have been working in a company since April 24, 2019. Because of the corona, I left work on April 6 this year. Because there were no precautions, masks and conscious employees. I informed them in writing by e-mail, I first asked for paid leave, if my request was not accepted, I wanted my termination to be terminated. Then I resigned. Now in this case can I get 1,177 pounds support? What should I do if I can? Fatih Aktaş
In the legal regulation, it is envisaged that cash wage support will be given to workers whose employment contract has been terminated in accordance with article 51 of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447 after March 15, 2020 and who cannot benefit from unemployment benefits in accordance with the other provisions of Law No. 4447.
In order to benefit from unemployment benefits; Three conditions are sought, namely the reason for termination of the employment contract, premium day and contract continuity. Accordingly, premiums and contract continuity conditions are not required in order to benefit from cash fee support. However, the employment contract must be terminated under article 51 of Law No. 4447.
In order for the employment contract to be deemed to have been terminated under Article 51 of Law No. 4447, it must be terminated by the employer for a reason or by the worker for the right reason, except for the behavior of the worker contrary to the rules of ethics and goodwill.
In this context, the reason for termination of your employment contract is important. If the reason for termination is reported by the employer as a resignation, you will not be able to benefit from cash payment support, since your employment contract will not be terminated under article 51.
If you justified your employment contract due to the coronavirus epidemic, due to the precautionary measures to be taken at the workplace, you could benefit from cash payment support if you had justified the warning with a notary.
On the other hand, your e-mail regarding taking measures in the workplace, your request for paid leave and your request for termination of your employment contract, if this request is not accepted, can be considered as proof that you have justified your termination of your employment contract.
The authority to determine the payment procedures and principles regarding cash wage support is in the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services and has not been determined yet. When the application procedures and principles are determined, your situation may be re-evaluated.
Although we worked on the 16th of March, our workplace retired on March 15, retrospectively. I can get neither short-time work allowance nor unemployment benefits. What I want to ask; Does this law include or does it cover those who were laid off on March 15? We Found Talha
In the related article, “15.3. After 2020, within the scope of article 51, the employment contract was terminated. According to the way the article was written, the cash wage support covers the employment contracts that were terminated after March 15, 2020, that is, on the following dates with March 16, 2020. However, the procedures and principles regarding cash fee support payments have not been determined yet. Those whose employment contract has been terminated on March 15, 2020 may also be included. On the other hand, I couldn’t make sense for your employer to pull your release date to 15 March. You can request the correction of your termination date from the employer. It is possible to provide monthly premium and service documents for March until April 24 (including April 24).