In the statement made by the Ukrainian State Border Security Service, after the fire of a Chinese citizen, a train belonging to the Ukrainian Railways, which sailed from the capital of Ukraine to the capital of the Russian Federation, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the fire of a Chinese citizen was high. It was announced that the wagon was quarantined with the passengers.
As a result of the medical screening in the Bryansk Region of the Russian Federation, 21 people including 38 citizens of Uzbekistan, Canada, Russia and Ukraine, who were traveling in the same wagon, were taken under surveillance at Bryansk Infection Hospital.
In other news, nearly 80 people who were evacuated from Wuhan, China on Thursday, February 20, were brought to Ukraine, and were dispatched to the Noviye Sanjari area, where they would remain in quarantine for 14 days. The people who protested that the quarantine area was close to their living quarters clashed with the police and left the government in a difficult situation. (IHA)