XVI. Carl Gustaf delivered a national address to the Covid-19 outbreak from his palace in the city of Flen outside the capital city Stockholm, where he was due to the corona virus. Swedish King Gustaf made the following statements in his speech:
* Civil mobilization started. I mainly think of my people’s health. Healthcare professionals and volunteers working in hospitals work together to save lives, giving an incredible time to save lives whenever possible.
* This is a big task, it takes courage. I would like to thank everyone who participated in this important study.
XVI. Carl Gustaf said, “We have an Easter holiday ahead of us. During this long-awaited vacation, people want to travel and may want to have a good time with their family or friends. But this will not happen on this Easter holiday. You need to stay home because of the Corona virus epidemic. ”
“This may sound boring to most of you,” said Swedish King Carl Gustaf. “At least a little sacrifice. You have to think about your family and children. I am 74 years old on April 30. There is something I learned. No matter how long the crisis will end sooner or later. ”
On the other hand, on March 25, 71-year-old King Carl Gustaf and his 76-year-old wife, Queen Silvia, left Stockholm to minimize the risk of getting the corona virus and settled in a palace in Flen, the country.
The Swedish King and his wife, who are in the risk group, conduct their meetings with the Royal family via phone and video. (IHA)