Turkey : Discussion in Izmit City Council, CHP president outraged

The ordinary council meeting of Izmit Municipality of CHP in Izmit district of Kocaeli was held today.

While discussing the commission report of the staff specialist chart created by Izmit Mayor Fatma Kaplan Hurriyet, the discussion arose. The report was rejected by the AKP members in the commission.

The AKP parliamentary member, Izmit Municipality, said that the contracted staff will dismiss the decision until the trial ends. Contractual personnel hired by the AKP chairman Nevzat Doğan shortly before the March 31 elections in Izmit Municipality were fired.

CHP chairman Fatma Kaplan Hürriyet got angry at the AKP’s rejection of the job demands. Hürriyet said, “What do you want from me? How do we work? We will teach someone from another unit instead of a teacher. ”

Photo: Spokesman


“Are we selling the municipality?” Said Hürriyet’s speech, saying:

* I will buy a vet, friends, vet. This city has a lot of problems. You do not have the veterinary director set up. You don’t give staff. What do you want? Do you see this in Izmit? What is your problem? Why aren’t you running me? Why aren’t you running me guys?

* You cannot behave arbitrarily. Everybody get your feet coincided. Everyone should know their limits. Enough. From saying that the feather is over in my tongue. What is this? Are we selling the municipality or what? We are creating employment here, do not do … What friend of ours caused such a problem in your municipalities?


Meanwhile, AKP councilor Hayrettin Ünlü asked, “Did you ask the public when hiring 80 people?” CHP president said, “Did you ask the public when you were hiring your brother in the municipality? The child of the freak is traveling unemployed. ” Recep Ünlü, the brother of AKP’s Hayrettin Ünlü, was made a contract officer in the Izmit Municipality, which was a AKP member shortly before the March 31 elections.