Turkey : Does unpaid leave affect the last 60 days? – Sözcü Newspaper

I was told that the firm I worked for started working shortly as of April 6 and since then we have been going to work 2.5 days a week. 1 week before April 6, the workplace allowed everyone for free leave, and for 1 week our insurance was cut. Does this affect the last 60 days, one of the conditions for benefiting from short-time working allowance? If it affects, I cannot meet the last 60 days. Many people like me are also victimized. What can be done about this? Its name is hidden

One of the conditions sought to qualify for the short-time work allowance is that the last 60 days of service contracts have continued, and it does not require continuous (uninterrupted) work by paying premiums in the last 60 days. It requires the service contract to be maintained in the last 60 days. In other words, although there are occasional permits and report periods, it is sufficient that the service contract has continued for the last 60 days.

Even if no insurance premium has been paid for your one-week unpaid leave period, your employment permit continues, so your unpaid leave period is included in the account for 60 days, so your right to benefit from short-time work allowance is not lost.

I’m an apartment manager. Since the officer of our apartment is +65, he cannot do the work to be done outside the apartment. Can I get a free permit, what action should I take? Halil Kuyaş

Until 17 July 2020, you can take your apartment attendant completely or partially for free leave. If your apartment worker is retired, you do not need to do anything in this direction, as he / she cannot benefit from cash fee support. However, in the Monthly Premium and Service Document, you need to select the reason for the missing day as “28-Pandemic Free Leave”. If it is active insured, it is the month that the free permission is given from the internet address “https://uyg.sgk.gov.tr/IsverenSistemi” to receive cash fee support. To make a notification until the 3rd of the following month, you need to select the reason for the missing day in the Monthly Premium and Service Document of the relevant month as “28-Pandemic Free Leave”.

I received ten months of unemployment benefits and this month is over. I can’t find a job. In this case, can I apply for unemployment benefits again?
Aygül Demir

You have used the entire period of benefiting from the unemployment benefit you are entitled to. In this case, in order to be entitled to unemployment benefits again, you have to meet the required conditions. In other words, you can only be entitled to unemployment benefits when you meet the unemployed 600 days premium payment requirement.