Turkey : Execution in the middle of the street in Adana! – Recent news

The incident occurred on 4068. Sokak in Sinanpaşa District of Yüreğir district. According to the information received, Kemal Daş, 57, was shot dead in the middle of the street by an unidentified person, from his head and from various parts of his body with a gun.

As the assailant escaped, the police officer who saw the incident reported the situation to the police and medical teams. While the police teams collected empty cartridges at the scene, Daş’s body was taken to Adana Forensic Medicine Institute for an autopsy.


On September 11, 2017, Kemal Daş, who was mentioned in the incident where 2 people died and 3 people were injured in a luxury restaurant in Ziyapaşa Boulevard in the Kurtuluş District of Seyhan district, was arrested by the court where he was caught and taken out while eating fish in the Bodrum district of Muğla.

On April 25, 2018, 7 handmade bombs were seized in Kemal Daş’s workplace. It was learned that Kemal Daş, who was released from prison about 6 months ago, continued his trial regarding the death of 2 people. IHA

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