In the statement made by the Governor of Kırıkkale, in the decision taken by the Provincial General Hygiene Board, having the necessary preliminary health checks by the District Governor and muhtars, especially in the villages related to those coming to the city from the other cities, directing the suspects to the health facilities of the suspects or following them in an isolated day in 14 days if necessary. It will be provided.
The statement included the following statements;
* As a result of the measures taken at the provincial and district entrances and at the same time, surveillance measures are applied to 14 thousand citizens at home in our city for 14 days. Whether these measures are implemented or not is checked by both our health and gendarmerie and security units.
*In this context; Those who have been given surveillance measures have a consent form signed and they are informed that in case of possible violations, necessary criminal action will be taken. Please don’t move, let’s stay in our house. Let’s not risk ourselves and others.