education is one of the most affected areas in Turkey that corona virus. Many exams had changed due to the virus. After President Erdogan announced his new YKS date as 27-27 June, ÖSYM also released its exam schedule. So when will YKS exam locations be announced? Here are the answers…
When is YKS?
President Erdoğan announced the new date of the YKS exam. Accordingly, YKS has been withdrawn about a month ahead of its most recently announced date. YKS, which interests millions of students closely, will be held on June 27-28. The history is not expected to change again.
YKS exam entry document has not been opened yet. In the past years, the exam entry document was obtained in mid-June. This year, it is expected that the entrance to the exam will be announced in the middle of next month. University candidates can view the YKS exam entry document from the ÖSYM’s candidate procedures page and print it out.

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After this decision, changes were made regarding the exam. YÖK President Yekta Saraç announced that the duration of the YKS exam has been extended for 30 minutes only for this year. The time, which was 135 minutes before, was extended by 30 minutes to 165 minutes.
Making a statement on the social media account regarding the issue, Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk said, “Our students who are preparing for YKS are also comfortable. We take all measures in a coordinated manner with our YÖK and ÖSYM Presidency. Accordingly, our 12th grade students; In addition to the 9th, 10th, 11th grade curricula, they will only be responsible for the first semester of 12th grade courses. ” said.
Accordingly, the topics to be responsible for the 12th grade curriculum are as follows;
TURKISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: Topics covered in ‘Story’ and ‘Poetry’ units, along with topics such as the relationship between literature and thought movements, philosophy. Grammar studies will be carried out on the relevant texts in the units, based on the information that students have obtained from basic education. Subject expression will not be entered. If necessary, short explanations about the topics will be made. Students will be held responsible for all grammar topics.
MATHS: Exponential Function, Logarithm Function, Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities and Real Number Sequences; In geometry, a question may arise from the topics of Total-Difference and Double Angle, Trigonometric Equations, and Basic Transformations in the Analytical Plane. Equation and Inequalities, Exponential and Rooted Expressions, Conscious Consumer Arithmetic will be responsible for 12th basic mathematics level.
PHYSICSQuestions may arise from the issues of Uniform Circular Motion, Rotational Motion, Angular Momentum, Gravitational Force, Kepler Laws, Simple Harmonic Motion, Diffraction in Waves, Interference and Doppler Event.
CHEMISTRY: Questions can be asked from the Introduction to Carbon Chemistry units, which include topics such as redox reactions, electrode and electrochemical cell concepts, and Chemistry and Electricity, and inorganic and organic compounds, covalent bonded chemical types.
BIOLOGY: The Discovery and Importance of Nucleic Acids, Genetic Code and Protein Synthesis, Vitality and Energy, Photosynthesis, Chemosynthesis, Cellular Respiration are among those who can take the exam.
REVOLUTION HISTORY AND ATATÜRKÇÜLÜK: The Ottoman State and the World at the Beginning of the 20th Century, where the subjects that Mustafa Kemal studied, such as the effects of his teachers on his upbringing; The National Struggle, which includes topics such as the Kuvayı Milliye movement, the opening of the Grand National Assembly; Questions can come from the Kemalism and Turkish Revolution units where the principles of Atatürk are explained.
GEOGRAPHYNatural Systems where subjects such as candidates, climate elements, disciplines related to geography are explained; Human Systems where topics such as selection of settlements, mass and scattered settlements are explained; Global Environment which includes topics such as regions, maps in the world: Regions and Countries; They will be responsible for the Environment and Community units, where topics such as how people use the natural environment.
RELIGIOUS CULTURE AND MORAL KNOWLEDGE: ‘Religion-Science Relationship’ from Islam and Science unit, ‘Development of Science and Thought in Islamic Civilization’, ‘Prominent Educational Institutions in Islamic Civilization’, ‘Pioneering and Original Studies in the Field of Science in Muslims’,’ Messages from the Qur’an: Surat in the Farm 27-28. Verses’ topics; In Anatolia, a question may be raised from the Islamic unit on the subject of “Turks being Muslims”, “Some People who are Effective in the Formation of the Islamic Understanding of Our Nation”, “Messages from the Qur’an: Verse 69 of Surat an-Nisa”.
PHILOSOPHY: 11th grade topics were included in the philosophy course. In others it is: Logic, Introduction to Logic, Classical Logic; In Sociology, Introduction to Sociology, Individual and Society, Social Structure, Social Change and Development; In Psychology, Let’s Know the Science of Psychology, Basic Processes of Psychology were among those responsible.