Fahrettin Kumru, who lives in Edremit İkizçay District, applied to Balıkesir Atatürk City Hospital with various complaints.
Kumru, who tested positive for the corona virus, was taken under treatment.
Edremit District Sanitary Board decided to quarantine the apartment that Kumru lived in.
Kumru, who recovered with his treatment, was discharged and sent to his home.
Fahrettin Kumru, who will continue the quarantine at home, explained his experiences as follows:
* Discomfort started 15-16 days ago.
I thought that I had flu, I took various medications. But it did not pass.
* I went to the emergency on the 3rd of the month. They said bronchitis. They gave the needle.
* I came home, got bad on the 5th of the month. I went to the emergency room again. They did the test, I spent 2 days in the hospital.
* When the result was positive, they sent it to Balıkesir. I spent a week in the hospital in Balıkesir.
* My son and bride were also positive, they are in quarantine at home.
* I’ve been very careful since these events happened.
* I have been shopping at the market several times. I think he was infected at that time.
* I pay special attention, even when I was getting in my car, we wiped the steering wheel, handles, door handles, and the places in the apartment that I entered.
* Came while being protected this way.
* I have an allergic condition based on asthma bronchitis.
* They gave a serum supplement from my arm during my treatment process in Balıkesir.
* Then they gave pills morning and evening.
* I was discharged when the assays turned negative.
* I feel good now.
* People should pay attention to cleanliness in this process.
* They try not to touch each other. DHA