Turkey : He could not go to the pharmacy in quarantine, the police helped

Murat G., who lives in Müfredat Street, Istiklal Mahallesi, Esenyurt, had to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. However, Murat G., who was stated to be in quarantine at home because of the suspicion of corona, asked the muhtar for help because he could not go out.

The headman of the neighborhood, Mustafa Başboğa, who has chronic illnesses, conveyed the situation to the teams of Esenyurt District Police Department of Istanbul Police. Police teams who learned the medicine that the patient could not leave their home; The sentry went to the pharmacy.

While the police teams took the medicine and delivered it to the address, it was also noted that the little boy at home did not neglect to celebrate the 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day.

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