The corona virus was detected in the colleague of Macide Güleç, who works as a sales consultant in the shopping center in Çankaya district. Gulec then went to the hospital and had a test. One day later, the test results were positive, Güleç was taken from his office by ambulance and he was taken to Ankara Gazi Mustafa Kemal State Hospital.
Gulec was discharged yesterday after the last test result was negative after 9 days of treatment and her complaints ended. Güleç, who left the hospital 9 days later, experienced great joy. Taking a selfie in front of the hospital, Güleç went to his home and got on his car, which he missed the first job, and sat for a while.
Güleç, who will isolate himself for 14 days at home for precautionary purposes, said that he had passed through a bad process, but he was happy that he had eaten the disease. Güleç said, “I first started drug treatment, they were giving 8 pills a day. I bought serum only once because the salt in my body is low. Apart from that, it was always continued with medication.
Since I had no fever and cough 3 days ago, medication was discontinued because all my analysis results were improving. A test was carried out 2 days ago and yesterday the results of the test came. When the result was negative, they discharged me. It was very nice when the news came. May my Lord give that moment to everyone who is in bad condition and is waiting for good news. It was a beautiful moment, I want everyone to live that moment. ”
Stating that there are not many known symptoms related to the epidemic, Güleç said, “I had no symptoms. Fever, cough, sore throat, nothing. Low back pain, headache and weakness occurred 2-3 days after hospital admission; but after the drug treatment, i.e. 3 days before my pain ceased. Those 9 days in the hospital seemed to me like 9 months. Because every day passes by waiting and hoping. But I got better, got over it, and I think everyone can beat it.
I don’t smoke, and frankly, I think this also has an effect. I hope that those who sit at home and break their psychology can hopefully beat the disease. I think the morale is very important in this disease, I always tried to keep my morale high. ”
Thinking that he took his hand to his face very often and got the disease in this way, Güleç called on the citizens to ‘Stay at home’ and said, “I have been away from my house for 9 days. I miss my car, I miss having breakfast. I will prepare myself a very nice meal, I will have breakfast. There is nothing like a person’s home, staying in a quarantine and hospital is a very different thing. So I’m very happy to come to my house. I will isolate myself for 14 days now, it is much better than being bored at home, hospitalized. At least there is another room that you can go to at home, there is another place where you can step. If you love your loved ones, stay away from your loved ones. ” DHA