Turkey : Home corona virus test for super-rich in the US

Fisher Island residents off Miami, which is known as the region with the richest postal code in the USA, had the opportunity to take a corona virus test by taking blood from the finger, which is not widely used in the world.

According to the study done by Bloomberg’s postal codes, Fisher Island is the richest neighborhood in the USA. On the island off Miami, where 800 families live and beach sands are brought from Bahamas, house prices start from $ 2 million and go up to $ 40 million.


According to the news of The Miami Herald, service personnel and island residents on the island are being tested for corona virus. What makes this interesting is that there is a serious problem with testing in the USA and even people who have symptoms of disease have difficulty getting tested. It has been stated that Fisher Island residents somehow received thousands of tests from the University of Miami Health System that gave results in 15 minutes.


Elena Bluntzer, who lives on the island, said, “Everyone is asked to test here. Everything is very well organized. I gave blood from my fingertip. We are all aware of how serious this pandemic is. This is no different from the rest of the country. After all, no one lives in a balloon, ”he says.

Elena Bluntzer also said that after the outbreak began, they closed the island to entry-exit and quarantined themselves.


Blutzer said, “Obviously it is hard to say how many people are on the island right now. People are not leaving their homes. Restaurants and markets are open. I did not feel the need to stock up on products such as toilet paper or flour. ”

According to the intelligence received by the newspaper, Corona virus was found in at least 4 and at most 9 island residents on the island.


Records of who lives on Fisher Island are not public. Every candidate cannot visit the island. People or property owners can get on the ferries departing from Miami. It takes 7 minutes to reach the island.

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