Turkey : How to calculate retirement pay? How much pension do I get?

Citizens who receive premium payments in the institutions and organizations under the Social Security Institution under the umbrella of SSK (4A), Bağ-Kur (4B) or Retirement Fund (4C) expect to retire in return for their work. Many citizens who will receive their retirement in return for many years of their work make a pension question. We have prepared a detailed report for the citizens to get more accurate information about their pension. How much pension do I get? How to calculate retirement pay? our news where you can find the answers to the questions …


Retirement pensions are determined according to some different criteria such as the period during which the citizens work insured and the amount of the premium paid during this period. Accordingly, people who are in the working life for higher premiums are paid more.

For 4B (BAĞ-KUR) employees;

Bağ-Kur, or 4B employees, can realize this business through e-government. For this https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/4b-emekli-aylik-hesapl Game Click the link.

On the page that opens, first of all;
Click on the “Verify My Identity Now” button. Later, T.C. Enter your ID number and E-State password. If you do not have an e-government password, you can get it from PTT branches. On the page you are directed to, select the tradesman or agriculture section from the “Institution” section. Then complete your process by clicking on the “Inquiry” option.

For 4C (RETIRED CRATE) employees;

Officer retirees, https://uyg.sgk.gov.tr/ıkramiyemaashesapla4c/welcome.do You can make the query by clicking the link.

For this, on the opened page;
– Service Year,
-Service Month,
– Monthly Date,
-Service Year and
Enter your Pay / Denominator information and press the calculate button. Thus, you will have completed your transaction.