Turkey : How to get a travel document? E How to apply for a travel permit?

Although some cities have a travel ban, some cities still have a travel ban. The travel ban, which was taken to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, continues in 15 provinces. Here’s what to know about travel ban.


The travel ban, which initially covers 30 metropolitan cities and Zonguldak, has ended in some provinces. Here are the provinces where the travel ban continues;

Ankara, Balıkesir, Bursa, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Manisa, Sakarya, Samsun, Van and Zonguldak


The travel ban in the provinces below has been lifted;

Antalya, Aydın, Erzurum, Hatay, Malatya, Mersin, Muğla, Adana, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Kahramanmaraş, Mardin, Ordu, Şanlıurfa, Tekirdağ and Trabzon

When will the travel ban end?

Erdogan announced that the travel ban application in the above 15 provinces has been extended for 15 days (May 4-19). Adding that the latest data will be evaluated with May 19, the President said the ban could be extended.


Citizens who will travel within the scope of Corona virus measures no longer need to go to district governorships. Travel Permit Applications can be received via e-Government. In order to get a travel permit document from the e-government screen, first of all, login with the TR ID number and password. After logging in, you can enter the “Application to e” section in the Ministry of Interior. The form is filled in by choosing “Travel Permit Procedures” from the options.


Photo: DepoPhotos

Who can obtain the Travel Permit Certificate?

Governor Yerlikaya used the following expressions by ordering each item:

* With the Travel Permit Certificate, they will be allowed to enter and exit Istanbul:

* one) Those who have been discharged from the hospital where they are treated and want to return to their residence, who have been referred by a doctor’s report or who have received a doctor appointment / control,

* 2nd) Those who will travel to attend the funeral of the deceased first-degree relative of himself or his spouse, accompany the funeral transfer, with the exception of death cause of COVID 19 (max. 4 persons),

* 3) Those who have come to Istanbul in the last 5 days but do not have a place to stay, but who want to return to their settlements (those who present them with a travel ticket, vehicle license plate, another document showing their travel),

* 4) Those released from penal institutions,

* 5) Those who have 14 days of quarantine and surveillance period from the student dormitories in which they are placed after coming from abroad can get a travel permit from the “Travel Permit Boards” created by the District Governorates.

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