On the 11th day of Ramadan, the preparations for the 12th day started. Muslims, who made their plans for Sahur, started to search the internet for what time it would be. Here is the month of Ramadan month,
How long did İMMİR remain in İMSAK?
When and how to fast?
Intention is one of the conditions of fasting. Intentional fasting is not authentic. It is sufficient to express intent in the heart, but to express the intent in the language is mendup. It is also an intention to surah for fasting.
Ramadan fasting is the time to intent for fasting and futile fasting, which is dedicated to be held on certain days, until the next day with the sunset, the peak is the next day. must. Otherwise, intention is not permissible during the day (Kâsânî, Bedâî ‘, II, 85). For these fasts, the absolute intention of “keeping the fast tomorrow” is sufficient. However, it is more virtuous to be intentional at night and to determine the fast as “to the fast of Ramadan tomorrow”. There should be a separate intention for each day of Ramadan.
Accidents, atonement and fasting devoted regardless of time should have been intended from sunset until late time of dawn. While intending this kind of fasting, it should be stated as “accident, atonement or votive fasting”.
According to the Shafii sect, all fasting, except vain, should be intentional at night. If imsa is not intended until the time of the day, the fast of that day will not be valid. In vain fasting can be intended until the sun peak.

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When does İMSAK begin?
The “imsak” shown in the calendars refers to the time to start fasting. It is also the moment when the night ends, the time for the night prayer comes out and the morning prayer time enters. The adhan is also read with the start of time of prayer. For this reason, it is necessary to stop eating and drinking with the advent of adhan. When the adhan starts, there is no harm in swallowing the mouthful.

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What are the prayers to be read in the field?
– Eat something little.
– Rasulallah (pbuh) said; “Allah and his angels bring war to those who use the sahur times and eat sahur food.”
– Reading the Surah Kadir.
– To read the prayer in Sahur.
“Either it was a truffle in its kitchen, or the severity of it was a fez, and the bike was desirable, and bike luztu la eluuzu bi sivake vela etlubu’l ferece illa minke, fe curve and ferric enni, or yekbelu’l yesire and ye’fu eni’l fraction, ikbel minni’l yesire, ve’fu enni’l fraction, inneke ente’l ğafuru’r Rahim, Allahumme inniy es’eluke iymanen tubaşiru bihi heart, and close to hetta a’lama ennehu len yusiybeni illa ma ketebte liy, and razzini mine ayl i am in my bowl, ya erheme’r uterim Either the uddeti fi kurbet or the owner fi severity or the guardian fi fiatmet or yaheti fi ğbeti ente”in satiru avreti, ve’l aminu rev”””’askhar asreti, feğfir li atiateti or erheme’r uterus. ”
“O shelter in trouble and trouble, and help in the trouble! I beg and burn you. He wishes help from you and I take refuge in you, not anyone else. I wish you only out of boredom and difficulties. So come to my rescue and save me from troubles. O accepting less deeds and forgiving many sins! Accept my less action and forgive my sin. Surely you are forgiving and merciful. I wish you a faith that unites with my heart, and I want a combination that I can only conclude that what you have written will reach me. O most merciful of compassionate! Consent me to the things that you cherished me in my life. O my accumulation in my troubled memory, I am in times of difficulty, my Lord, who is the culmination of my benefactor, my soul and my passion, on my blessed day The one that will turn my flaw into a veil of security and forgive my riding. So forgive my mistake. O the most merciful of the merciful. “