Turkey : İnce reacts harshly to Erdoğan: You have to give information

The 11th Ordinary Congress of the Yalova Provincial Organization of the Republican People’s Party was held at the Raif Dinçkök Cultural Center. CHP Deputy Chairman Muharrem Erkek, CHP’s Presidential candidate Muharrem İnce in the June 24 elections, Vefa Salman, who was taken from the position of the Mayor of Yalova by the Ministry of Interior, and many parties participated.


Speaking at the congress, Muharrem İnce criticized President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Erdogan said, “NATO has gathered, the United Nations General Assembly has been convened. Why don’t you gather the Parliament? Why do you hang up on Tuesday? ”İnce continued, saying;

* You will get S-400 and you will ask for help from Russia and NATO. Could there be such a logic? Official results announced at 03:00 at the Presidential elections, I made a statement 9 hours later.

* Apocalypse broke, “Where is Muharrem İnce”. There are 36 martyrs, the President is not around for 36 hours.


Noting that Turkey passed the critical days of fine, he continued;

* Since August 30, 1922, our army has never been defeated in this land. It was not defeated in Cyprus, not defeated against terrorism, now we are going through the most critical days.

We will not upset our army, we will continue to tell the truth. You may run the country, but the country is not only yours.

* I do not want any of my Mehmetçi’s morale to deteriorate. I call on politicians who run the state, not soldiers. One out of every 10 people in this country is foreign. There are Iraqis, Afghan, Pakistani, Syrian, Libyan.

* Syria is our neighbor, is there a problem if I were President of the women who come children, I would help as the Republic of Turkey to the elderly.

* I do not object to this, but I can not accept that our 20-year-old Mehmet was martyred in İdlip while traveling on the streets of Istanbul, Yalova, and Izmir, who are 500 thousand years old to fight.


* You are the President, we accept, people chose. You give information to the GOOD Party, the MHP, the BBP, and you don’t bother to the main opposition leader.

* You may not like it, you may be offended, government is something else. You have to give information. Instead of solving the problems, we cannot salute the head of this country by increasing the problems.

* Did our regime attack our soldiers, did Russia? We still cannot say that Russia did this.

Mehmet Gürel became CHP Yalova Provincial President in the general assembly, which was entered as the only candidate after the speeches. DHA

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