President and AKP leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who made evaluations about the corona virus outbreak after the Cabinet meeting on Monday, announced that the curfew imposed on weekends in 31 provinces will start on April 23.
Erdogan said in his statement that the curfew, which will be implemented in 31 provinces on 23-24-25-26 April, will end on Monday, 27 April at 00:00. Erdogan used the following statements in the continuation of his statements:
* Turkey through the importance of this danger thanks to measures taken in time, that country has become the most convenient service. Thanks to the compliance of our nation with the measures announced, we prevented the disaster dimension of the epidemic.
* The curfew restriction on the weekend also helped prevent the outbreak. We will continue to apply the restriction so as not to disrupt some applications.
* We plan to make curfews in 31 provinces between 23-24-25-26 April. We will apply the restriction from 00:00 on the night of April 23 until April 26. Details about this will be announced by the Ministry of Interior.
With the circular issued by the Ministry of Interior, Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Hatay, Istanbul, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Malatya, Manisa, Mardin, Mersin, All citizens residing within the provincial borders of Muğla, Ordu, Sakarya, Samsun, Şanlıurfa, Tekirdağ, Trabzon and Van and Zonguldak provinces were restricted.
On Thursday, April 23, 2020 and Friday, April 24, 2020, where curfews are restricted / banned, markets and grocery stores will operate between 09.00-14.00.
Citizens (except those aged 65 and over and those aged 20 and under) will be able to go to the closest grocery stores and grocery stores (except disabled citizens) provided that they are limited to meeting their mandatory needs and not driving.
Between the same hours, markets and grocery stores will also be able to sell to houses / addresses. Markets and grocery stores will be closed on Saturday, April 25, 2020 and Sunday, April 26, 2020.
According to the circular, a commission will be formed by the commission that will be formed under the chairmanship of the governors and district governors, with the participation of bakers’ room, local government, police and gendarmerie representatives, and a provincial / district bread distribution plan will be made for each neighborhood.
In this plan, the distribution regions (neighborhood / street / street scale) in which the provincial / district bread producing workplaces are responsible and the vehicle lists that will serve for each distribution region will be determined.
Apart from planning to be made in this way, only Vefa Social Support Units will be able to distribute bread.
On Friday, April 23, 2020 and Friday, April 24, 2020, with curfews / prohibitions, newspaper distribution / sales will be made through markets and grocery stores.
On Saturday, April 25, 2020 and Sunday, April 26, 2020, newspaper distribution will be carried out only through newspaper companies’ own distribution vehicles to operate in the ring, drinking water distribution dealers and Vefa Social Support Units.
Vegetable-fruit states will be open on Thursday, April 23, 2020 and Friday, April 24, 2020, with curfews / prohibitions.
According to the circular, between 23-26 April 2020,
– Bakery and / or bakery-licensed workplaces where bread production is made and only those dealers that sell bread, as well as workplaces where desserts are produced / sold (only bread, bakery and dessert can be sold in these workplaces).
– Restaurant and restaurant style workplaces, in the form of takeaway to the houses
– Businesses that carry out activities related to the production, transportation and sales of medicines, medical devices, medical masks and disinfectants.
– Public and private health institutions and organizations, pharmacies, veterinary clinics and animal hospitals
– Public institutions and organizations and enterprises (Airports, ports, border gates, customs, highways, nursing homes, elderly nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, necessary for the maintenance of compulsory public services,
– Emergency Call Centers, AFAD Units, Vefa Social Support Units, Migration Management, PTT etc.) will be open.
Also for the settlement centers by the governorships / district governorships;
– Stores for a specified number of fuel stations and tire repairers and on-call fuel stations, one for every 50 thousand inhabitants and one for every 50 kilometers on intercity roads and motorways, if any.
– Water, newspaper and kitchen tube distribution companies
– Large plants and businesses operating strategically in the natural gas, electricity and oil sectors
– Animal shelters, animal farms and animal care centers
– Emergency construction, equipment etc. to increase the capacity of health services. businesses / companies carrying out activities
– Facilities where the production of foodstuffs such as pasta, flour and bakery products, milk, meat, fish are produced, provided that the location is permitted by the Provincial / District Hygiene Board.
– Facilities for the production of hygiene materials, especially paper and cologne, and the raw materials required for the production of these materials.
– Domestic and foreign transportation (including export / import / transit) and logistics companies, hotels and accommodation
– Production facilities that provide packaging to sectors such as food, cleaning and medicine
– Large constructions and mines, whose construction or operation continues, by accommodating employees on the construction site / mining site,
– Newspaper, radio and television organizations, newspaper printing presses
– Subject to export, which was previously contracted / committed and should be grown within the specified time; Businesses and facilities producing goods, materials, products, tools and equipment will be open.
– Employees in businesses, businesses and institutions that will be open under the circular
– Those who are in charge of ensuring public order and security
– TBMM employees limited to Thursday, 23 April 2020
– Working in Emergency Call Centers, AFAD, Red Crescent and Vefa Social Support Units
– Those who are in charge of funeral burials (religious officials, hospital and municipal officials, etc.) and those who will attend the funerals of their first-degree relatives
– Electricity, water, natural gas, telecommunications etc. Those who are in charge of maintaining the transmission and infrastructure systems that should not be interrupted and eliminating their failures
– Those who are involved in the transportation or logistics of products and / or materials (including cargo), within the scope of domestic and international transportation, storage and related activities
– Elderly nursing home, nursing home, rehabilitation centers, children’s homes etc. employees of social protection / care centers
– ‘Special Needs’, such as autism, severe mental retardation, and down syndrome, and their parent / guardian or companion
– Iron-steel, glass, ferrochrome, etc. Those who work in the departments of the workplaces operating in the sectors that require compulsory operation such as high grade mine / ore melting furnaces and cold stores will be exempted from the ban.
Those who deal with agriculture and livestock will be exempt
– Employees of the data processing centers of institutions, organizations and enterprises, which have a widespread service network throughout the country, especially banks.
– Employees working on the production, processing, marketing and transportation of vegetable and animal products at risk of spoiling,
those who graze sheep and goats, those who carry out beekeeping activities.
Those who come out to feed their street animals
– They will go out to meet the compulsory needs of their pets, provided that they are limited to the front of their residence and those who will feed the street animals.
– Veterinarians, those who work in the distribution of bread, and the service of markets and groceries to the houses
– Those who have mandatory health appointments (including blood and plasma donations to Kızılay)
– Dormitory, hostel, construction site etc. those who are in charge of meeting the basic needs that will be required by those who stay in public places
– Employees at risk of leaving their workplaces due to occupational health and safety (workplace doctor, etc.)
– Technical service staff provided that they document that they are outside to provide service.
– Permitted by Provincial / District Hygiene Boards according to regional characteristics within the scope of activities such as planting-planting, irrigation-spraying necessary for the continuity of agricultural production.
– Staff working on weekend to carry out public transportation, cleaning, solid waste, water and sewerage, disinfection, fire and cemetery services of municipalities
– For the purpose of ensuring that the supply chain is not interrupted, between 06:00 and 09:00 on Thursday, April 23, 2020 and Friday, April 24, 2020, between 06.00-09.00, with curfews; Those who are in charge of transportation, storage, acceptance of goods and preparation for sale to markets and vegetable-fruit states will be exempted from the ban.
While it was stated that all citizens should stay in their homes except for the exceptions mentioned, it was stated that the travel permit documents will be valid during the curfew restriction / prohibition, and necessary measures will be taken by the municipalities to ensure the public transportation of the public officials who are in charge of establishing the public order, especially health and safety.
PROCEDURES WILL BE CARRIED OUT TO those who do not comply with the law
The Ministry asked the governors / district governors to make the necessary decisions regarding the measures in question immediately, to avoid any problems in practice and not to cause grievances.
In addition, it was stated that the necessary judicial proceedings will be initiated within the scope of Article 195 of the Turkish Criminal Code regarding the behaviors that constitute a crime, in accordance with the relevant articles of the law, in particular, to impose administrative fines in accordance with the 282th article of the Public Sanitary Law to the citizens who do not comply with the decisions taken. (DHA)