Turkey : Last minute … Presidential Circular on Corona Virus in Official Gazette!

The Presidency Circular, which includes the decisions taken at the Corona virus meeting held under the presidency of President Erdoğan in Beştepe, was published in the Official Gazette.

According to the circular, an overseas ban was imposed on public officials. The circular stated the following statements:

* In the Covid-19 outbreak that spread to many countries in the city of Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, more than 130 thousand cases have been seen and nearly 5 thousand people have died.

* The disease is considered an important threat to human health, due to its high contagiousness and the fact that its vaccine or special medicine has not yet been developed.

* With the precautionary measures taken in line with the recommendations of the Coronavirus Scientific Board established within the Ministry of Health in the early period, the arrival of the disease in our country was significantly prevented.

* In order to ensure that this situation is sustainable and to minimize the possibility of the virus coming to our country from abroad, new measures are being implemented with the suggestions of the mentioned Board.

* Within this framework, in order not to cause any problems in the execution of public services, all public officials are stopped to go abroad due to their duties or for personal reasons.

* For public officials who will go abroad in mandatory and urgent cases, senior management in the related, related and related public institutions and organizations of the Presidency; the minister and the related and related public institutions and organizations; In local administrations (including its subsidiaries and local administration unions), the permission from the governor will be obtained. Information and the need to please.

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