Turkey : Last minute… Public transport between Rize and Artvin has been stopped!

The Rize Governorate announced that new decisions were taken by the Provincial General Hygiene Council to combat the corona virus epidemic.

The statement on the governor’s website said:

* The General Assembly of the Provincial Hygiene Council convened under the chairmanship of Mr. Governor Kemal ÇEBER on 06/04/2020;

* 1-For all public transportation vehicles in our city;

* From city center to districts

* From districts to city center

* From districts to districts

* Stopping all kinds of public transportation from the city center to the villages and from the villages to the city center for 15 days,

* However, considering the essential needs of the neighboring neighborhoods, Rize Municipality is authorized to make minimum public transportation schedule for the city center, and the necessary information for the follow-up of the planning is made to the police and gendarmerie units,

* 2-Stopping “public transportation activities” between Rize and Artvin province (including districts) until a second order,

* 3- According to Article 1 of our Decision of Sanitary Board No. 17 dated 03.04.2020, pregnant and puerperant women born after 01.01.2000, due to the Extended Immunization Program, mandatory vaccination, hearing tests, due to the Extended Immunization Program. It has been unanimously decided to exclude babies and children in the follow-up calendar, such as heel blood scans, hip ultrasonography, and to apply to the healthcare institutions with the use of surgical masks with their parents.