Turkey : Last minute … US from Idlib Description: We stand by our allies Turkey

“I wish my condolences to the families of the soldiers who died in the attack in Idlib,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement. The Assad regime and Russia should stop the attacks. I sent Jim Jeffrey to Ankara to coordinate the answers. We stand by our NATO ally Turkey, “he said.


“The Ambassador Jeffrey will meet with senior Turkish officials in Ankara to address the destabilizing military attack carried out by the Assad regime in Russia with the support of Russia and how we can work together to find a political solution to the conflict in Syria,” the US Embassy in Ankara said today. It was used.

In the statement, which called for a ceasefire in the conflicts in Idlib and humanitarian organizations to reach the region, the following were recorded:

* The destabilizing activities of Russia, Iranian regime, Hezbollah and Assad regime prevent the establishment of the ceasefire throughout Syria and the return of hundreds of thousands of displaced people from the north of Syria to their homes safely in accordance with UNHCR’s decision No. 2254.

* We call for immediate ceasefire and humanitarian organizations to have full access to conflict-affected areas in order to alleviate the pain of hundreds of thousands of people fleeing uninterrupted bombings.

Statement by Erdoğan about Idlib attack: They found their trouble! They will pay the price very heavilyStatement by Erdoğan about Idlib attack: They found their trouble! They will pay the price very heavily


Yesterday, 5 soldiers were martyred and 5 were injured after the intense artillery shot by the regime for the TAF personnel sent to the region as reinforcements in order to prevent clashes in Idlib, Syria.

In the written statement made by the Ministry of National Defense on the subject, “As a result of the intense artillery shot made by the Regime on 10 February 2020 to the elements sent to the region in order to prevent conflicts in Idlib, to ensure our border security, to prevent migration and human drama, our martyrs were killed. 5 of our gunmen were injured. ”

In the statement that the targets determined in the region where the attack was carried out were put under fire, the following were recorded:

* The targets determined in the region were immediately fired intensely with our fire support vehicles, the necessary responses were given, the targets were destroyed and the blood of our martyrs was not left on the ground.

* Developments are closely monitored and necessary measures are taken. In this incident that overwhelmed us with deep pain and sadness, we extend our condolences and patience to our cherished martyrs, our troubled families, the Turkish Armed Forces and our noble nation, and we wish immediate healing to our injured personnel. (IHA)

Flash statement from Russia about Idlib, where the news of the heroFlash statement from Russia about Idlib, where the news of the hero