Turkey : Last minute… Warning to countries removing the ban from the World Health Organization: The virus does not forgive

The World Health Organization’s European headquarters held a new press conference every week today. World Health Organization European Region Director Dr. at the meeting held on the internet and the current data about corona virus is shared. Hans Henri Kluge made statements.

Kluge warned that 21 out of 44 countries in the European region have loosened restrictions and restrictions due to the corona virus, and 11 have plans to lift them in the near future. Saying that countries should be careful while removing such bans, he said, “As I said earlier, this virus is unforgiving. We must be alert, resilient, patient, and be prepared for possible measures when and how big they are. ”

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Dr. Kluge also stated that health systems have the capacity to both provide normal health services and fight the virus during the transition period.

Dr. Kluge said, “Europe is at the center of the epidemic. Today, 46 percent of cases worldwide are European-based, and 63 percent of deaths are European-based. There may be a slowdown across Europe, but the situation is very messy across the region. Each country has its own route to reach new norm. ”

During the press conference of the World Health Organization, it has been stated that the investigations related to Kawasaki disease and corona virus, which have been observed in children recently, continue. Adam Finn, the head of the European Technical Advisors Group of the World Health Organization and also a professor at the University of Bristol, made a statement on the subject.

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Finn said, “Only half of the children who were positive for the Corona virus test experienced this condition. This may be a final complication of infection. It is not appropriate to speculate yet. The size and nature of this problem is now beginning to emerge. ”

Speaking at the press conference, WHO European Region Emergency Coordinator Dr. Dorit Nitzan said that work is ongoing. Dr. “We are trying to link Covid-19 to this disease with our clinical network and our experts,” Nitzan said.