It was announced that Fatemeh Khisvand, who gained fame by sharing his photos with excessive make-up and filter on social media, was caught in corona virus in prison where he was kept in Iran. Especially, the 22-year-old woman who used the nickname Sahar Tabar on Instagram has been imprisoned on charges of “praising violence, adultery and misleading youth” since October.
The USA-based, Human Rights Center made the statement on the subject. Speaking on behalf of the organization, lawyer Payam Derafshan said, “We do not accept that this young woman is prevented from being extended from prison and being prevented from being treated.” Saying that the prison authorities denied this claim, Derafshan said, “But many sources I received from the prison told me that there were many Covid-19 patients in that ward. Our call to the authorities is to remove the sick from prison ”.
In Iran, where Facebook and Twitter are banned, Instagram stands out as the only social media platform that young people can use.