Turkey : LGS May sample questions have been published! 2020 LGS May question support package… – Sözcü Gazetesi

The Ministry of National Education published May sample questions before the 2020 LGS exam to support students’ preparatory process. To download LGS sample questions, you can use the links we share on our page and download them to your computer. Here are 2020 MEB LGS May sample questions…


The sample question booklet, which is published monthly for students to take the central exam under LGS, started to be offered twice a month during the period when schools were closed due to the coronavirus outbreak.

In this process, the LGS Study Questions support package for the first term curriculum and achievements was also launched for 8th grade students. The first support package, consisting of 516 questions, was released on April 16.

A support package of 1000 questions for May was opened to students. Thus, the question support package consisting of a total of 1516 questions has been offered to the students who will take the central exam under LGS.

The Study Questions Support Package is available on the website of the General Directorate of Measurement, Evaluation and Examination Services (http://odsgm.meb.gov.tr/).

Stating that they make an intense effort to support all students of all classes and levels in this process, the Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk said, “We are bringing together the support that our students who are preparing for the exams step by step to progress towards their goals without being affected by the process.” said. Minister Selçuk continued as follows: “Until today, we have presented the support package consisting of 1516 questions to the use of our students and teachers. For these support packages, the staff members of the Directorate General of Assessment and Assessment, our staff members and teachers working in our Assessment and Evaluation Centers in 81 provinces are making great efforts. Especially in this package, our friends in Adana, Amasya, Aydın, Denizli, Erzurum, Edirne, Kastamonu, Kahramanmaraş, Malatya, Muğla and Rize Assessment Centers made an important contribution. On behalf of our students, I would like to thank my Deputy Minister Mahmut Özer, who successfully coordinated this process, Sadri Şensoy, General Manager of Assessment and Exam Services, and his colleagues, who contributed greatly to the process, and our assessment and evaluation centers that contributed. “