Turkey : Nine in tenth is on the trade – Sözcü Gazetesi

According to legend, Hz. Muhammad said to him “What work should we do to ensure our livelihood in a halal way?” to those who ask “Trade because nine out of ten are in trade” he guided. Hz. Whether Muhammad said such a thing is controversial. So the hadith is not authentic. But in the past (perhaps still) the merchant’s tailor framed this word on the wall of the office and hung it. Probably, the merchants used this way to make the counterparty acknowledge that their earnings are halal. When I first heard this statement as a young economics student, I strongly objected. “Nine of tenths cannot be in trade” I said. Our generation (economics students of 1955-65) would be more or less socialist. Socialism is “Your sustenance must be her productive laborer” he says. Trade was considered a parasitic endeavor. Of course, this was even more wrong. Even dark socialists do not think so today.


in Economics “Every stone is heavy in place” no other deeply meaningful word can be found. Passing here “rock” The word represents a production factor, such as labor or a product. The word heavy is “valuable” or “high price” Means. So this promise tells us, “Products or production factors Yerde where it comes out ‘ not, Yerde where it is most useful ‘ it is more valuable. ” Sand in the desert, water in the lake has no value. But the value of water in the desert and sand in the lake can be very high. Because it is abundant, it is the trade that takes a low price product from one place to another and makes it more valuable. The main function of trade is this integration. From Asia to Europe 2000 years ago “silk” or “spice” paths were formed for this reason. Since the price of the goods has increased significantly “Merchant sailor” The British nation has been rich. To do this, the air blowing regularly in the Indian Ocean “Trade wind” called (trade winds). For this “Yemeni-Mecca-Medina-Sham ” Caravanism has developed in the line. Already, Hz. Muhammad was also a caravan before he became a prophet. Nobody knew well how much sustenance the trade created.


A few months ago, in China “Corona” A nicknamed virus appeared. To prevent the spread of this microbe, which caused a severe flu that also caused death and was not found, the cities where the disease was seen were quarantined. But this “Low, immoral, ignorant, dishonest and treacherous” the virus has spread though. Transportation and especially foreign travel restrictions were applied to stop this spread. When transportation is interrupted, “The stones go where they are heavy” the commercial process called slowed down; volume shrank. “The sake of the nations” so “National revenues” tended to decrease. US President Trump “Download interest, get out of the economy” The stubborn FED, who did not accept his request, reduced the interest because he frightened a microbe and pat. Look at that angel’s job.

Last word: The virus dies, the economy comes alive.